Sunday, August 22, 2010

Guide to a great pregnancy

So here we are on week 31 of a wonderful pregnancy and I thought I would share some insight on what I have learned helps on this journey. For some reason I love doing top ten lists....they seem to cover it all or maybe it is just my OCD personality trying to release all my thoughts.

1. Exercise! I am not talking about lose weight, get in shape exercise. I am talking about pre-natal videos, yoga, stretching and some light cardio. I have exercised 4-6 times a week during my entire pregnancy and I know it has saved me from back from aches, stopped swelling, and has given me an overall sense of well being. Bryan and I have have bonded a lot through exercise together as well. There is nothing like a long walk with your baby's daddy...hehe!

2. Relaxation. I make a point to relax, lay down, and listen to some reggae or classical music daily. The baby feels my good vibes and if I am lucky this will make her a calmer newborn as well.

3. I stopped reading baby books, blogs, and all the nonsense they scream about what "could" happen. If it happens, I will look it up. But until then, I am healthy and content.

4. Education. I took as many women health classes as I could in college and even went on to take extra classes after college just for fun. I feel I had a lot of knowledge going into the pregnancy that saved me a lot of stress and worry.

5. Indulging. I have eaten very well but have also had a lot of fun ordering some great desserts!!

6. Being in love. How in the world could I even survive without Bryan? Yes, we argue, bicker, and fight, but I can not imagine a life without him! We are so excited to bring our baby into this world together. We have a life we both only dreamed of and it is a reality. When my hormones are raging I have to remember that one....

7. Gratefulness. I am just flat out grateful for every event, every moment, and everything in my life.

8. Hypnobirthing. We are currently enrolled in a class designed to teach you to relax and let go during labor. It has actually lessened if not released my fear of childbirth. I am actually excited for labor and I am ready to have a natural birth calm and relaxed.

9. The baby boom. I have so many friends that are pregnant, are mothers, or are trying to get pregnant. This has made my pregnancy that much more fun and amazing!

10. Shopping for a girl. I mean is this not every woman's dream if she admits it or not?! I get to shop for a little baby girl!!!

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