Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I am Pregnant!

I think a timelime will help clarify.

February 16, 2010: I went to the gym for my daily cardio (I miss my runs already) and I had some weird cramping. Not alarming just different. I thought I had eaten too soon before my work out so I headed home. For some reason I thought I should take a pregnancy test. Before my test, I sent Bryan to the gym because I was so defeated. In my head there was no way I could be pregnant so soon. Probably TMI but we were not "trying" and we were just letting fate take control. It had only been a month! I peed on that little stick with no hesitation, looked down, and immediately saw a positive!!! OMG OMG!! My first thought, "I am reading this wrong". Bryan came home to see me shaking in disbelief. I ended up taking ten more positive tests in the next few days. We were in complete shock and denial. There is no way this could happen so soon, or could it?

February 16 to March 2, 2010: I was feeling great and still in a little denial. I was completely hopeful that I would have no morning sickness, and I was the optimy of health. Oohhhh was I wrong. The nasea slammed my body like a huge wave. Car sickness, allergies, food aversions, you name it....I felt it. When will I ever enjoy food again?

March 3, 2010: My first doctor's appointment. I had to beg the doctor to keep telling me that I was pregnant. I just could not believe it! All my tests came back positive and healthy.

March 4, 2010: My first ultrasound and I am definitly pregnant. That little heartbeat was so crazy, weird, amazing, shocking, and wonderful. I left the doctor's unable to sleep with excitement. Our little Sacco's heart is racing at 121 beats per minute...a very good heart rate for such a little thing. The doctor said if we came even a few days earlier we could have missed the heart beat. I was so glad we saw it.

March 5 to March 30, 2010: Watching my body change every day is incredible. I love my growing body making room for our little baby. Still very sick!

March 31, 2010: Our four week check up and beginning of our second trimester! We got to hear the heart beat again!

So yes, it is true! We are having a baby!